Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Suzuki Crosscage is one plausible green concept

Green is the way to go into the future and Suzuki has apparently understood that as they have recently undergone some serious testing of their Crosscage Fuel Cell Motorcycle.

Still a concept, but a very plausible way of commuting in the near future, the Suzuki Crosscage brings a range of incontestable advantages. For starters, it has zero emissions, it doesn’t make any noise and its hydrogen fuel cell engine doesn’t need gears and a clutch, something that barely keeps us from situating it in the scooter category.

As you can see, it features a very futuristic design. The frame has an X-shape and the wheels bolt on single-sided fork and swingarm, just to mention some nice touches. Let’s just hope it will get the OK to go into production and talk about it in detail.