Friday, February 19, 2010

Electric Scooter Concept by Happy Design

Electric Scooter Concept by Happy Design

You know what the problem with the motorcycle page on TopSpeed is? Not enough talk about scooters. We recently came across an interesting scooter concept from the Italian chaps at Happy Design and thought at it as a good way to even up the scale between superfast, uncomfortable, gas burning supersports and relaxed commuting, green scooters.

Although there’s very little information about this concept, we know that it is supposed to be an electric scooter, a very fast one considering the way it looks. With a futuristic front end, smooth flowing lines and very small wheels, it meets the Happy Design theme and could make a lot of European commuters truly happy if someone ever decides to turn it into fact.

Redistrict plan on ballotPit Boss, the motorcycle concept for wiseguys